
Dr. Lowe teaches and speaks on a variety of topics including emotional intelligence, the intersection of mental health and faith, grief, and the psychology of flourishing.

Other areas of expertise include health psychology, multicultural diversity, motivation, relational attachment, and leadership. You are welcome to contact me with any inquiries regarding possible speaking engagements.


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Stress can often feel like a burden. But is our body equipped to cope with stress? Better yet, how can our stress be reclaimed?

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Loss is unavoidable, whether tangible like a loved one, or intangible like a hope or dream. How do we make meaning out of our grief?

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We bring our whole selves into our relationships whether we like it or not. How can we better understand what makes us who we are?

Understanding biases, cognitive distortions, and psychological defenses can help us remove impediments to our own formation.

How do you engage religious, spiritual, existential, and theological values in psychotherapy?

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Depression and loneliness are endemic in our modern society. What does “overcoming” mean for our mental health?

What vital functions do emotions play in our work, our relationships, and our self-understanding?

Can stress be a good thing? How much stress is too much? Even the way we think about stress can impact its effect on our bodies.

What does psychology have to say about how we develop our sense of identity, and how we cultivate virtues?

What is unique about religious trauma, and how do we help client’s heal from these wounds?

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How do we tap into our own unique motivational drives to optimize our work performance?

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How are we hardwired for connection and belonging, and how do we build trust in our relationships?

Why do our bodies need rest? What happens when we sleep? Why are our biological rhythms important for our health?

What does a holistic approach to mental health look like, one that goes beyond just illness and pathology?


As a consulting psychologist, Dr. Gabriel Lowe designs presentations that are both anchored in the latest solid research and user-friendly to the audience. He is extremely perceptive and able to read the needs and issues of the group. I’ve personally enjoyed co-presenting with him and greatly benefited from his abilities to provide additional insights and perspectives that bring to light the most important details to understand about the subject at hand. I highly recommend Dr. Lowe as a speaker, facilitator, or consultant to your church or organization.

-Michael Bischof, D.Min. Founder and President of SOULeader Resources

Dr. Lowe has demonstrated competence in advanced research methodology in the social sciences. His writing is clear, his thinking is nuanced, and his capacity to interpret and discern trends from data is sound. He has domain expertise in several subspecialties in the research literature, including positive psychology, organizational leadership, motivation, and religion/spirituality.

-David Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor at Rosemead School of Psychology and Editor of the Journal of Psychology and Theology

Not only is Gabriel an excellent lecturer, he is a well-received and well-respected friend and  counselor to pastors. His personality is joyful, he has a good sense of humor, and has good  interpersonal skills.  I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Gabriel Lowe as a speaker, consultant, counselor, and  resource for any organization who would value this set of gifts and skills. 

-Rev. Perry Fruhling Coordinator for Pastoral Ministry, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

Gabriel Lowe is that rare beed of psychologist/counselor who possesses both astute clinical expertise and warm, personal relatability. He exudes the caring, authentic heart of a fellow journeyer, and at the same time masterfully utilizes effective skills and tools to help people address the core issues holding them back from their fullest health, and move purposefully toward it. We’re grateful for the significant impact he’s made on pastors in our fellowship.

-Dr. Tom Bennardo, Executive Director of Church Multiplication & Leadership, Fellowship of Evangelical Churches