Podcast Reflections

Time spent in self-reflection is never wasted - it is an intimate date with yourself. -Dr. Paul T.P. Wong

In my podcast, I let my guests do most of the talking, but if you want a peak underneath the hood, here are my reflections on the process. Journey with me as I continue to wrestle through the hard questions.


Trailer Reflection

Why I Turned “No Questions” Into A Podcast: The Good, The Bad, and The Hard

When I was in high school, a friend posed a thought exercise, “If you could ask God anything, what would you ask?” Nothing came to mind. I had no burning questions leaping to meet his query, and it didn’t feel like I needed one. It wasn’t that I thought I knew everything, but I felt that the measure of my faith and maturity was feeling confident in the answers I already had. Not needing answers from God felt like I had everything I needed, and this was a very comfortable place to be… 6 minute read on Medium.com